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Anthony Horowitz Books in Order (70 Book Series)

AdventurerA Line to KillAlex Rider

Anthony Horowitz has written a series of 70 books. Here, you can see them all in order! (plus the year each book was published)

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Last Updated: Monday 1 Jan, 2024

    Total: 70 books
    1. 8


      Anthony Horowitz

    2. 12
      Starting Out

      Starting Out

      Anthony Horowitz

    3. 14


      Anthony Horowitz

    4. 16
      The Switch

      The Switch

      Anthony Horowitz



    • What is the correct order of books in order for the Alex Rider series by the author Anthony Horowitz?

      For readers looking to delve into the thrilling world created by Anthony Horowitz, the Alex Rider series should be read according to its chronological publication order to best understand the plot development and character progression. Starting with "Stormbreaker" and moving through titles like "Point Blanc," "Skeleton Key," and beyond, readers will find high-paced adventure and dramatic tension within these pages.

    • Can I find all of the Anthony Horowitz books on Most Recommended Books?

      Absolutely! Every book by Anthony Horowitz is listed on our site. Whether you're interested in his standalone novels or his series works, you can find handy links to them all, available for purchase on Amazon.

    • Has Anthony won any awards for his writing?

      Yes, Anthony Horowitz has received various awards throughout his career for his contribution to fiction, celebrating his captivating storytelling and imaginative narratives. These commendations recognize the exceptional quality and popularity of his work across genres.

    • What genres does the author Anthony Horowitz typically write?

      Anthony Horowitz is a versatile writer who dabbles in multiple genres, predominantly mystery and thriller fiction, with his works ranging from his popular detective novels to his contributions to the realm of young adult literature.

    • Is it possible to locate all of the James Bond novels by Anthony within the Horowitzbooks collection?

      Yes, our Horowitzbooks collection on Most Recommended Books includes his contributions to the James Bond legacy. Readers can discover Anthony’s unique take on the iconic Bond character, which continues the lineage of high-stakes espionage and intrigue synonymous with the series.

    • I'm new to Anthony’s work. Which of his novels should I start with?

      If you're new to Anthony, a great starting point is the Alex Rider series, especially if you enjoy young adult spy adventures. Otherwise, his standalone novels, or his "Hawthorne and Horowitz" series, are excellent for those who fancy mystery and crime narratives.

    • Does Horowitz have any other types of books besides novels?

      Besides his novels, Anthony Horowitz has also penned screenplays, children's books, and even graphic novels, showcasing his versatility and broad appeal across different forms of storytelling and audiences.