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Brad Taylor Books in Order (26 Book Series)

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Brad Taylor has written a series of 26 books. Here, you can see them all in order! (plus the year each book was published)

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Last Updated: Monday 1 Jan, 2024

    Total: 26 books
    1. 10
      The Dig

      The Dig

      Brad Taylor



    • Who is the protagonist in the books written by Brad Taylor?

      The protagonist in the thriller series by Brad Taylor is Pike Logan, a skilled operative handling high-stakes missions around the world.

    • Can I read the Pike Logan series in any order, or is there a recommended sequence?

      While each book in the Pike Logan series can often stand on its own, for character development and overarching storylines, it's best to read them in order. For your convenience, we've listed the books in order on our blog.

    • Does the Pike Logan series by Brad Taylor include short stories or just full-length novels?

      The Pike Logan series includes both full-length novels and several short stories. Short stories provide an additional glimpse into the world of Pike Logan and his adventures.

    • What is the release date of the newest book in the Pike Logan series by author Brad Taylor?

      The latest Pike Logan thriller is usually released in January of each year. Visit our blog regularly to get updates on release dates and the order of upcoming books in the series.

    • Are there any books from this series set in a particular part of the world?

      Yes, Brad Taylor's Pike Logan books often feature diverse locations across the globe, reflecting the international nature of Logan's missions.

    • I'm new to Brad Taylor's series, and I want to ensure I start with the right book. Which title should I begin with?

      To get started on the Pike Logan series, you should read them in chronological order, starting with the first published book. Our blog provides a list detailing the sequence so you can dive into Pike Logan's world with ease.

    • When browsing for Pike Logan books in January or any other time on your site, how can I know which ones I've missed?

      Our blog features a comprehensive list of Pike Logan books that you can use to track which ones you've read and discover the titles you may have missed. This list is updated regularly to ensure fans stay up-to-date with all the latest installments.