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Steve Hamilton Books in Order (17 Book Series)

A Stolen SeasonA Cold Day in ParadiseBeneath the Book Tower (Short Story)

Steve Hamilton has written a series of 17 books. Here, you can see them all in order! (plus the year each book was published)

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Last Updated: Monday 1 Jan, 2024

    Total: 17 books


    • Can you list Steve Hamilton books in order, particularly the Alex McKnight books in order by series?

      Certainly! Steve Hamilton's Alex McKnight series is set in Michigan and begins with the award-winning novel "A Cold Day in Paradise" which won the Edgar Award. To read the Steve Hamilton books in order, start with this debut novel and continue through the series as published for the full character development and plot continuity.

    • What are some of Steve Hamilton's novels outside the series?

      Steve Hamilton has written standalone novels as well as series. Some of his popular standalone books include "The Lock Artist," which received an award for its unique storytelling, and "Misery Bay." You can find these and other Steve Hamilton books listed on our website.

    • Where does Steve Hamilton draw inspiration for his Alex McKnight series?

      Steve Hamilton brings to life the character of Alex McKnight within the rich, atmospheric backdrop of Michigan. The series, imbued with local color and culture, showcases Hamilton's ability to create a compelling fictional universe that feels grounded in reality.

    • I'm new to Steve Hamilton's books. Which Alex McKnight book should I start with?

      If you're new to Steve Hamilton's novels, it's a great idea to start with the Alex McKnight series steve hamilton books. The first book, "A Cold Day in Paradise," introduces you to Alex and sets the stage for the subsequent novels. You'll get the most enjoyment by reading the books in order.

    • What makes Steve Hamilton an acclaimed author?

      Steve Hamilton is an acclaimed author who has received high praise and several awards for his engrossing storytelling, complex characters, and the vivid settings in his McKnight books. His knack for weaving tension and suspense has made him a favorite among readers of crime and mystery novels.

    • Are there any recent books by Steve that I should know about, particularly his most recent novels in order?

      Steve Hamilton has continued to write compelling novels. Keep an eye on our website for the latest releases and recommendations if you're looking for the most recent books by the author, including the latest Steve Hamilton books in order. We make sure to keep our listings updated with new publications.

    • Does Steve Hamilton have a series featuring a character named Janet or should I focus on the Alex McKnight books in order?

      Steve Hamilton's body of work mainly focuses on the Alex McKnight series. While Janet is not a primary character in this series, you may find interesting secondary characters within the books. For a comprehensive list of characters and their roles, you might consider reading the McKnight series in order to get to know the various personalities inhabiting McKnight's world.