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Sharon Sala Books in Order (118 Book Series)

A Piece of My HeartA Field of PoppiesA Place to Call Home

Sharon Sala has written a series of 118 books. Here, you can see them all in order! (plus the year each book was published)

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Last Updated: Monday 1 Jan, 2024

    Total: 118 books
    1. 23


      Sharon Sala

    2. 28


      Sharon Sala

    3. 36


      Sharon Sala

    4. 48


      Sharon Sala

    5. 58


      Sharon Sala

    6. 86


      Sharon Sala

    7. 96


      Sharon Sala



    • I'm looking to read all sharon sala books in order of publication, where should I start?

      Sharon Sala's body of work is extensive and covers several series as well as standalone novels. To read her books in order of publication, you might want to start with her earliest series and work your way forward. Sharon Sala also writes under the pseudonym Dinah McCall. You can shop for her books directly through our links to their Amazon pages, where you can add them to your Kindle or purchase paperback versions, and you can also check the publication date to ensure you are reading them in the correct sequence. Keep an eye out for the creek series, which is a favored starting point for many readers.

    • Can I find a list of all sharon sala books and their rating on your website?

      Yes, our site provides a comprehensive list of Sharon Sala's publications along with the rating given by readers. You can find a list categorized by series and standalone novels, complete with covers and links to their Amazon pages where you can shop for them. The ratings can also help you decide which books to start with, making it easier to choose from her extensive catalog.

    • What genres does the author sharon sala write in?

      The author Sharon Sala is renowned for her contemporary romance and romantic suspense novels. Her stories, featuring both compelling male and female characters in emotionally rich tales of love, hardship, and redemption, often include a strong, resilient woman as the central figure. She has also received numerous awards for her work, which speaks to the quality and popularity of her writing.

    • I'm a fan of romance novels that take place in small towns. Does sharon sala have any series set in this kind of setting, similar to the mossy Creek order?

      Absolutely! Sharon Sala has the delightful Mossy Creek series set in a charming small town, which encapsulates the heartwarming and quirky nature of close-knit community life. These books, set in the mossy town of Mossy Creek, are highly recommended for readers who enjoy contemporary romance narratives with a strong sense of place.

    • Under which pen name does sharon sala also write as, and are those Dinah McCall books different from her usual novels?

      Dinah McCall is an alias used by Sharon Sala to publish some of her novels that often have a slightly different tone or style, but still hold the same emotional depth and riveting storylines. Whether she writes as Sharon Sala or Dinah McCall, her stories are sure to capture the heart of the reader.

    • Can I gift sharon sala's books to someone who loves reading romance?

      Certainly! Sharon Sala's books would make an excellent gift for a romance reader. You can use our links to purchase her books on Amazon, where you can send them as a gift directly to the recipient's address or to their Kindle. Just look for the 'Give as a Gift' button and perhaps include a set of thoughtful cards with your personal message or a gift card for that added touch.

    • Do sharon sala's books come with reader's discussion guides or additional content?

      Some of Sharon Sala's releases come with additional content, such as reader's discussion questions at the end of the book that book clubs and individual readers may find valuable. For example, in books where the central story revolves around a father-daughter relationship, these guided questions can be particularly insightful. Always check the book descriptions on Amazon when you shop to see if extras like discussion guides are included.