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Richard Osman Books in Order (10 Book Series)

Richard Osman's House of GamesA Pointless History of the WorldThe 100 Most Pointless Arguments in the World

Richard Osman has written a series of 10 books. Here, you can see them all in order! (plus the year each book was published)

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Last Updated: Monday 1 Jan, 2024

    Total: 10 books


    • What are Richard Osman's books in order, including his latest releases and all richard osman books in order?

      Richard Osman's books in order begin with his debut novel, "The Thursday Murder Club," followed by "The Man Who Died Twice," then "The Bullet That Missed," and lastly, the latest addition to his book series as of my knowledge cutoff years ago. These books book follow a delightful group of retirees who solve crimes from their retirement village setting, which are available in hardcover paperback among other formats. For stars of the literary world looking for updated releases, please check our listings, which link directly to Amazon for convenience.

    • Where can I find reviews for Richard Osman books, including detailed book reviews?

      Reviews for Richard Osman's books are readily available on our website. We do a thorough job of collecting and presenting book reviews from various credible sources for each title, thus providing an author book review resource. These reviews can help readers decide if they're interested in diving into Osman's thrilling world of mystery, humor, and occasional touches of fantasy fiction.

    • Can you tell me how to find Osman books in the correct series sequence to appreciate the Osman Thursday series?

      To enjoy the Osman Thursday series book series in order, look for the Thursday Murder Club series on our website. We ensure that the books are listed in the publication order, so you have the intended reading experience. Just click on each title to be directed to Amazon where you can purchase them in hardcover or paperback or digital format.

    • What formats are available when ordering Richard Osman books, including hardcover paperback?

      All of Richard Osman's novels are available in various formats, including hardcover paperback, and Kindle edition. When you select a book on our website, we add links to Amazon where you can choose the format that suits your reading preference and perhaps send them as gifts with personalized cards.

    • Who is the author of the Thursday Murder Club series and how has the author's book gained attention?

      The author of the Thursday Murder Club series is author Richard Osman, a well-known figure on British tv, turned bestselling novelist. His crime fiction series has garnered fans across the globe for its unique blend of mystery, charm, and wit, establishing himself amongst other prominent authors of the genre.

    • How do I gift a book from Richard Osman's crime fiction series?

      Gifting a book from Richard Osman's enchanting series is as easy as selecting the book you wish to give on our website. Once there, use the link to Amazon to purchase it as a gift. You can choose to have it delivered directly to the recipient in hardcover paperback, or even as an eBook, which can be a thoughtful surprise for any occasion. Additionally, Richard's books can be accompanied by stars-rated reviews to help choose the best one.

    • How frequently does Richard Osman release new books in the series?

      Author Richard Osman has been known to release new books in his series roughly once a year, but this can vary depending on his writing schedule. To stay up to date with the latest releases and any news regarding his upcoming novels, keep an eye on our site where we constantly update our info, and promptly reply to inquiries and provide links to secure your next read.