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Laura Ingalls Wilder Books in Order (16 Book Series)

Dear LauraBy the Shores of Silver LakeFarmer Boy

Laura Ingalls Wilder has written a series of 16 books. Here, you can see them all in order! (plus the year each book was published)

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Last Updated: Monday 1 Jan, 2024

    Total: 16 books


    • What is the Laura Ingalls Wilder books series order?

      Laura Ingalls Wilder's famous "Little House" books follow a chronological series order based on Laura's life. The house books series order is generally recognized as: "Little House in the Big Woods", "Farmer Boy" (about Laura's husband Almanzo as a child), "Little House on the Prairie", "On the Banks of Plum Creek", "By the Shores of Silver Lake", "The Long Winter", "Little Town on the Prairie", "These Happy Golden Years", and finally, "The First Four Years". Reading them in this track order allows you to follow Laura and her family's journey as they grow and move westward.

    • Can you tell me more about Laura Ingalls Wilder's book series?

      Absolutely! Laura Ingalls Wilder's "Little House" book series is a beloved set of novels that portray her childhood and life in the American Midwest during the late 19th century. These novels are rich with historical details and offer a glimpse into pioneer life. They are appropriate for readers of various ages, making them an excellent reading gift for both young and older fiction enthusiasts.

    • How do I find the laura ingalls wilder books in order if I'm interested in reading and buying the books?

      If you're looking to purchase Laura Ingalls Wilder's books, you can easily find the series order on Most Recommended Books. We provide links to each book where you can find formats available such as Kindle, hardcover, and paperback on Amazon. Simply add them to your cart in their correct order to ensure a seamless reading experience.

    • Where can I find reviews for Laura Ingalls Wilder's books?

      On the Most Recommended Books website, alongside each link to the books on Amazon, you can find top reviews to help you decide which parts of Laura Ingalls Wilder's series to read. The reviews might also offer insights on whether a particular book is suitable for your reading tastes or to give as a gift.

    • Are there different formats of Laura Ingalls Wilder's books available?

      Yes, Laura Ingalls Wilder's "Little House" books can be purchased in various formats, including Kindle for the digital reader, hardcover for those who love a sturdy shelf addition, and paperback for portable convenience. Whatever your preference, you can find a format that suits your reading style.

    • I'm looking for a top book for a young reader in my family. Are Laura Ingalls Wilder's novels a good choice?

      Laura Ingalls Wilder's series is a top choice for young readers! The novels are not only entertaining but also educational, teaching historical facts through Laura's engaging life story. They are a fantastic way to introduce children to pioneer history while fostering a love for reading.

    • What if I'm unable to find a particular Laura Ingalls Wilder book in the series?

      Should you be unable to locate a specific book from Laura Ingalls Wilder's "Little House" series on our website, we recommend using the search feature on Amazon through our provided links. With a comprehensive collection available, you're sure to find all the house books novels you're looking for. Don't forget to read the book's description and reviews to ensure it's the exact title you're seeking.