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Little House on the Prairie Books in Order (9 Book Series)

Farmer BoyBy the Shores of Silver LakeLittle House in the Big Woods

Little House on the Prairie is a series of 9 books written by Laura Ingalls Wilder. Here, you can see them all in order! (plus the year each book was published)

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Last Updated: Monday 1 Jan, 2024

    Total: 9 books


    • Can you provide the series order for the Little House on the Prairie books in order, featuring the Ingalls family?

      Absolutely! The Little House book series by Laura Ingalls Wilder consists of several novels that are best read in chronological order to follow the author's intended progression. You can find all the novels listed in series order on our site, which includes links to obtain copies for your reading pleasure. The series also details the adventures of Laura and her Pa, among other family members.

    • What are some of the titles included in the Little House on the Prairie series order?

      The series kicks off with "Little House in the Big Woods," followed by "Farmer Boy," which focuses on Almanzo Wilder, Laura's future husband. Other titles include the namesake book "Little House on the Prairie," then "On the Banks of Plum Creek," among others. Detailed reviews and direct links to their Kindle versions are available on our site.

    • How can I ensure I'm getting the correct Little House book when there are so many editions and when I want to maintain the right order?

      To ensure you get the correct book, look for the title of the book and its placement within the series order. On Most Recommended Books, we strive to link to the most accurate and latest editions to provide top reading experiences.

    • When starting the books in order, which book should I begin with to meet Laura and her family?

      Start with the first book in the series, "Little House in the Big Woods." This book sets the foundation for the family's story and introduces you to the life of young Laura. From there, continue with the series in the order we've provided for the best reading journey.

    • I've heard so much about this book series. Are there reviews I can read before I decide to dive in?

      Yes, you can read reviews for each book within the series on our website. Our community often provides insightful comments on the novels, giving you a good understanding of what to expect as you begin your reading adventure with Laura Ingalls and her family.

    • What's special about Laura Ingalls as a character in her book series crafted by Wilder?

      Laura Ingalls is the heart of the series, and through her eyes, readers experience the trials and joys of growing up in a pioneer family. Her character is richly drawn by the author, Laura Ingalls Wilder, providing a relatable and engaging narrative that has resonated with readers for generations.

    • Who is the author of the Little House series, and where can I find the books authored by Wilder?

      The author of this beloved family series is Laura Ingalls Wilder. You can find all the novels by this author listed in the correct series order, with links to add the physical or Kindle copies to your collection on Amazon via our website. Whether you're revisiting the series or discovering it for the first time, Wilder's storytelling, which includes the experiences of Pa Ingalls, is sure to captivate you.