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Jane Casey Books in Order (18 Book Series)

Bet Your LifeAfter the FireCruel Acts

Jane Casey has written a series of 18 books. Here, you can see them all in order! (plus the year each book was published)

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Last Updated: Monday 1 Jan, 2024

    Total: 18 books


    • Can you list Jane Casey books in order by series from the author's collection?

      Certainly! Jane Casey's novels are quite popular, especially her book series featuring detective Maeve Kerrigan. To experience the progression of the enthralling mystery and character development, it's best to read them in order of publication. If you're looking to add these to your library, our menu has links to their respective Kindle and physical editions on Amazon.

    • What is the chronological order for Jane Casey's books in the Maeve Kerrigan series?

      Jane Casey's Maeve Kerrigan series should be read in the following order for the best continuity of the story lines: "The Burning," "The Reckoning," "The Last Girl," "The Stranger You Know," "The Kill," "After the Fire," "Let the Dead Speak," and "Cruel Acts". Sequencing them like this allows you to follow the narrative and character development more closely.

    • Where can I find a comprehensive list of books in order by Jane Casey from the menu?

      You can find a detailed list of all of Jane Casey's books in publication order right on our website. Simply navigate to the 'authors' section and select Jane Casey from the menu. From there, you can view all her novels in order and directly link to Amazon to purchase each book, be it in hardcover, paperback, or Kindle edition.

    • What genre does Jane Casey's work fall under?

      Jane Casey is a renowned author of mystery and fiction novels, particularly known for her captivating crime series. Her books are popular in the crime fiction genre, delivering suspenseful tales that keep readers gripped from start to finish.

    • How do I make sure I'm purchasing the latest editions of Casey's novels?

      To ensure that you're getting the latest editions of Casey's novels, always check the publication date listed on Amazon before making a purchase. We provide links to the most current versions available, so you can add the most recent releases to your collection with confidence.

    • What kind of series does Jane Casey write apart from the Maeve Kerrigan books?

      Apart from the well-loved Maeve Kerrigan book series, Jane Casey has also authored another series following Jess Tennant, which is a mystery series as well. This includes titles like "How to Fall," "Bet Your Life," and "Hide and Seek." These can be found on our website too, where they can be added to carts on Amazon in your preferred format.

    • How can I keep updated on new books released by author Jane Casey?

      To stay informed about new releases by Jane Casey, you can sign up for updates on our website. When a new book is announced, we update our catalogue, so frequent visits to our website will ensure you have the most current information. Plus, we promptly provide links to pre-order upcoming novels or add newly released ones to your Kindle or physical collection through Amazon.