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I Survived Books in Order (22 Book Series)

I Survived the American Revolution, 1776I Survived Hurricane Katrina, 2005I Survived the Attack of the Grizzlies, 1967

I Survived is a series of 22 books written by Lauren Tarshis. Here, you can see them all in order! (plus the year each book was published)

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Last Updated: Monday 1 Jan, 2024

    Total: 22 books


    • Can you list the i survived books series in order?

      Absolutely, the order of the i survived book series is crucial for those who wish to follow the historical events as Lauren Tarshis intended. Each book is a standalone story, but reading them in order lets you witness the progression of history through the eyes of the young protagonists. You can find the books listed in their publication order on our site, with direct links to Amazon for purchase.

    • How do I find the complete i survived series books in order by Lauren Tarshis?

      Finding the i survived books in order is simple on our website, Most Recommended Books. We have curated a list of all the books authored by Lauren Tarshis with their appropriate chronological series order in the series. You can view the full list and choose which book in the series order to explore next.

    • What is the recommended i survived series order for the book series?

      The recommended series order for the i survived book series by Lauren Tarshis is to read them according to their publication date. This ensures that you can follow the author's timeline and development of themes throughout the book series. However, since each book is about a different historical event, reading them out of order would not disrupt the continuity much.

    • Is it important to read the i survived series books in order, or can I start anywhere?

      While the i survived series does comprise standalone stories written by Lauren Tarshis, many readers prefer to read them in series order to appreciate the progression of settings and events. However, if a particular book in the series piques your interest, you can start there and then follow the i survived books in order if you wish to read more.

    • Who is the author of the i survived series?

      The i survived series is penned by acclaimed author Lauren Tarshis. She skillfully combines historical fact with engaging fictional narratives to bring the past to life through the eyes of young characters. Tarshis has authored each book in the series with a dedication to historical accuracy and storytelling.

    • What is the first book I should read in the i survived series by Lauren Tarshis?

      If you are starting the i survived book series, it's generally recommended to begin with the first book that Lauren Tarshis published in the series, "I Survived the Sinking of the Titanic, 1912." This sets the stage for the thrilling and educational journey that the series offers.

    • Where can I find the latest book in the i survived series by Lauren Tarshis?

      The latest book released by Lauren Tarshis in the i survived series can always be found on our Most Recommended Books site. We regularly update our listings to ensure that fans of the series can easily find and order the newest addition through Amazon.