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Scott Pratt Books in Order (21 Book Series)

A Ride on a CloudA Crime of PassionAn Elephant's Standing in There

Scott Pratt has written a series of 21 books. Here, you can see them all in order! (plus the year each book was published)

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Last Updated: Monday 1 Jan, 2024

    Total: 21 books


    • Can you provide the Scott Pratt books in order for the Joe Dillard series?

      Absolutely, to experience the books in the series in order and get the most out of the character development and plotlines, you can follow this sequence: "An Innocent Client" (2008), "In Good Faith" (2009), "Injustice For All" (2010), "Reasonable Fear" (2011), "Conflict of Interest" (2013), "Blood Money" (2013), "A Crime of Passion" (2014), "Judgment Cometh" (2016), and "Due Process" (2017). Each title unfolds a new chapter in the suspense-filled legal thriller saga of Joe Dillard.

    • What genre do Scott Pratt's books fall into?

      Scott Pratt's books are primarily in the mystery thriller genre, with a strong element of legal thriller weaved into each story in the series. The author's detailed knowledge of the legal system adds a layer of authenticity that fans of the genre truly appreciate.

    • Where does the Joe Dillard book series take place?

      The Joe Dillard book series is set in Tennessee, painting a vivid picture of the Southern state's legal backdrop. The series immerses readers, young and old, in atmospheric settings rich with suspense and legal intrigue, making it a standout in the thriller and mystery genres.

    • Is it necessary to read Scott Pratt's series in order, or can I jump in at any Joe Dillard book?

      While each book in the Joe Dillard series could technically be enjoyed on its own, for the best understanding and appreciation of the character development and overarching storylines, it is highly recommended to read the books in order. This allows you to follow the progression of the central characters accurately and ensures you don't miss any critical plot points or twists.

    • What makes Scott Pratt a notable author in the legal thriller book series world?

      Scott Pratt is an author known for his ability to blend the legal thriller genre with an engrossing suspense narrative. His books feature dynamic characters, fast-paced plots, and robust layers of intrigue that keep readers hooked from beginning to end.

    • How can I view Scott's works on my Kindle device?

      You can easily find Scott Pratt's entire Joe Dillard series and other works available for your Kindle device. Each book in the series can be accessed orderly through Amazon, and you can enjoy the entire legal drama and mystery of the stories right at your fingertips.

    • Does the Joe Dillard series by Scott Pratt cater to all ages, or is it targeted towards a specific audience?

      Joe Dillard's series, crafted by Scott Pratt, tends to focus on adult themes and complex legal issues, making it more suitable for mature readers. The thriller aspect, combined with the legal details, make it ideal for fans of the legal and mystery genre who are looking for an engaging and thought-provoking read.