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Michael Marshall Smith Books in Order (12 Book Series)

The Upright Man / The Lonely DeadThe Straw MenBlood of Angels

Michael Marshall Smith has written a series of 12 books. Here, you can see them all in order! (plus the year each book was published)

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Last Updated: Monday 1 Jan, 2024

    Total: 12 books
    1. 1
      Only Forward

      Only Forward

      Michael Marshall Smith

    2. 2


      Michael Marshall Smith

    3. 3
      One of Us

      One of Us

      Michael Marshall Smith

    4. 7
      The Intruders

      The Intruders

      Michael Marshall Smith

    5. 8
      The Servants

      The Servants

      Michael Marshall Smith

    6. 9
      Bad Things

      Bad Things

      Michael Marshall Smith

    7. 10
      Killer Move

      Killer Move

      Michael Marshall Smith

    8. 11
      We Are Here

      We Are Here

      Michael Marshall Smith



    • Who is the author of Michael Marshall Smith series?

      Navigating the literary seas of the Michael Marshall Smith series is Michael Marshall Smith. This author, whether a rising star or a seasoned veteran, has crafted the pages that whisk readers away on this series' journey. Their background, style, and influences often shine through in their writing, making each book a unique experience. Fans of the series might find it intriguing to delve into other works by {author name} to see how their writing has evolved or how different themes are explored across their body of work.

    • How many Michael Marshall Smith books are there?

      To answer a question as vital as the number of coffee cups consumed while reading, there are exactly 12 books in the Michael Marshall Smith series. Each book represents a chapter in the broader narrative, introducing new twists, turns, and perhaps the occasional talking dragon (disclaimer: dragons depend on the genre). The series might take you on a rollercoaster of emotions or provide a steady companion on lazy Sunday afternoons. Remember, the journey through a book series is not just about reaching the end but also about the memories created along the way.

    • In what order should I read these books?

      The first page of this saga was turned in 1994, and the ink dried on the latest page in 2017. While each book might be a world in itself, reading them in the order they were published helps maintain the storyline's natural progression. Think of it like baking a cake; you could add the ingredients in any order, but following the recipe usually results in a tastier treat. Of course, for the adventurous souls, mixing up the order might offer a new perspective – just be prepared for unexpected plot revelations!

    • Where can I find more information about each book?

      Each book in the Michael Marshall Smith series comes with its own little treasure trove of information, nestled snugly above the "View on Amazon" button. Here, you'll discover not just the publication year, which is essential for understanding the context and evolution of the series, but also a succinct summary that teases the story without spoiling any surprises. It's the perfect spot for readers to get a glimpse of what lies within the pages, helping them decide which book to dive into next. Additionally, we occasionally include insights into the writing process, thematic elements, or how each book fits into the larger tapestry of the series.