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Kate Atkinson Books in Order (13 Book Series)

Behind the Scenes at the MuseumA God in RuinsBig Sky

Kate Atkinson has written a series of 13 books. Here, you can see them all in order! (plus the year each book was published)

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Last Updated: Monday 1 Jan, 2024

    Total: 13 books


    • What are author kate atkinson books in order, starting with her earliest publications?

      To read author Kate Atkinson’s works in the order they were published, you would begin with her debut novel, "Behind the Scenes at the Museum," which won the Whitbread Book of the Year Award in 1995. Following her debut, she continued to write a blend of stand-alone novels and the Jackson Brodie series which weaves crime and personal stories. While we at Most Recommended Books don't sell books directly, you can find links to the hardcover, paperback, and Kindle editions of Atkinson's books on Amazon through our website.

    • Can you provide the books in order for the Jackson Brodie series?

      Certainly! The book series featuring Jackson Brodie, a former soldier and police inspector turned private investigator, begins with "Case Histories" (2004), continues with "One Good Turn" (2006), "When Will There Be Good News?" (2008), and "Started Early, Took My Dog" (2010). The most recent Brodie novel as of my knowledge cutoff in 2023 is "Big Sky" (2019).

    • Who is kate atkinson and why are her books popular?

      Author Kate Atkinson is a British writer renowned for her rich character development and intricately plotted novels that often explore themes of time, fate, and coincidence. Her popularity stems from her ability to blend genres, particularly in her Jackson Brodie books, which mix elements of literary fiction with the twists and suspense of crime novels.

    • What type of genres does kate atkinson write?

      Kate Atkinson is versatile in her writing, but she is best known for her literary fiction and crime novels. Her Jackson Brodie series has been particularly well received in the crime fiction genre, acclaimed for its depth of character and witty, insightful prose. Atkinson's standalone novels tend to be of the literary fiction genre, exploring complex themes with a unique narrative style.

    • If I want to start reading the jackson brodie series, do I need to read the books in order?

      While each Jackson Brodie novel can stand on its own with a self-contained mystery, reading the series in order allows you to experience the evolution of Brodie's character and his life’s journey. It also helps you understand the nuances of recurring characters and their development. Hence, it is recommended to read the Brodie book series in sequential order.

    • What format can I find kate atkinson's novels in?

      Kate Atkinson's novels are available in a variety of formats including hardcover, paperback, audio, and as Kindle editions. Regardless of your preferred reading format, you can find her books for each reading option. On our website, you will find the ad links to their respective Amazon pages for purchase.

    • Does Most Recommended Books offer a community for discussing kate atkinson's work?

      While our website doesn’t host a member community for direct discussions, we do offer a wealth of information about Kate Atkinson’s work and maintain updated posts and reading lists. We encourage fans to engage with these resources and find external communities, perhaps on social media or book forums, for lively discussions about Atkinson’s fiction and characters like Jackson Brodie.