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CHERUB Books in Order (18 Book Series)

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CHERUB is a series of 18 books written by Robert Muchamore. Here, you can see them all in order! (plus the year each book was published)

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Last Updated: Monday 1 Jan, 2024

    Total: 18 books


    • What is the correct series in order for the cherub books by Robert Muchamore?

      For fans looking to dive into the CHERUB series order, following the correct series order is essential for maximum enjoyment. You can find the complete order on our site, and the links to add each book to your cart on Amazon.

    • Can I find all the CHERUB series order on Most Recommended Books?

      Yes, we feature the entire CHERUB book series by author Robert Muchamore. From the first to the latest, every book is available for you to review and shop with just a few clicks. Enjoy the heart-pounding action and intrigue as you follow the young agents on their missions.

    • Who is the author of the cherub novels?

      The CHERUB series was penned by the talented author, Robert Muchamore. His books have garnered a top spot among young adult espionage fiction, and readers can find all his novels for easy reading enjoyment on our platform, alongside works from other renowned authors.

    • Do the CHERUB book series include genres like fantasy or mystery?

      While the CHERUB series primarily revolves around espionage and action, elements of fantasy and mystery are woven into the narrative. Each book immerses readers in a compelling world that Muchamore has expertly crafted.

    • Is there a book in the CHERUB series that includes romance?

      Yes, within this exciting book series, the author integrates subplots of romance, adding depth to the characters and their adventures. Fans appreciate the multi-layered storytelling that encompasses not just the thrill of espionage but also the complexities of human relationships.

    • How does Most Recommended Books help me decide which CHERUB series book to read next in order?

      Our platform offers detailed reviews and reading orders to guide enthusiasts through the series. With these tools at your disposal, finding your next CHERUB adventure is a seamless experience.

    • How do I keep track of which CHERUB books by Robert Muchamore I've already purchased?

      When shopping through Most Recommended Books, you can use the cart system to manage your purchases. Simply add the Robert Muchamore novels you've selected to your cart on Amazon, and you can easily view which ones you have bought and which are next in the series to acquire.