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13 Best Carl Hiaasen Books of All Time

Our goal: Find the best Carl Hiaasen books according to the internet (not just one random person's opinion).

    Here's what we did:
  1. Type "best carl hiaasen books" into our search engine and study the top 3+ pages.
  2. Add only the books mentioned 2+ times.
  3. Rank the results neatly for you here! 😊
    (It was a lot of work. But hey! That's why we're here, right?)

(Updated 2024)

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Last Updated: Monday 1 Jan, 2024

Mobile CoverDesktop Cover
  1. 1
    Double Whammy
  2. 2
    Tourist Season

    Tourist Season

    Carl Hiaasen

  3. 3
    Strip Tease

    Strip Tease

    Carl Hiaasen

  4. 4
    Bad Monkey
  5. 5
    Razor Girl
  6. 6


    Carl Hiaasen

  7. 7


    Carl Hiaasen

  8. 8


    Carl Hiaasen

  9. 9
    Skinny Dip
  10. 10
    Skin Tight
  11. 11


    Carl Hiaasen

  12. 12
    Lucky You

    Lucky You

    Carl Hiaasen

  13. 13
    Nature Girl

    Nature Girl

    Carl Hiaasen


  • What fiction books by Carl Hiaasen feature music as a theme?

    The good music theme finds its way into the humor-laced fiction of Carl Hiaasen's novels occasionally. While music isn't the main focus in most of his stories, the tone and rhythm of Florida life often play a role akin to a background score that sets the stage for the vivid characters and events he portrays.

  • Which Carl Hiaasen novel introduces the character Kiki Pew?

    Kiki Pew is a character featured in one of Carl Hiaasen's satirical novels named "Razor Girl." The novel is set, like many of Hiaasen's tales, in the vibrant and often bizarre backdrop of Florida, where Kiki Pew, an eccentric and wealthy woman, plays a part in a funny and twisting story. It's a good read for those interested in Hiaasen's quirky character creations.

  • When it comes to nonfiction, has Carl Hiaasen written anything about Florida or music?

    Carl Hiaasen has contributed to nonfiction with his work as a columnist, often focusing on events in Florida where music sometimes enters the narrative. He's collected his columns in books that hold a mirror to Florida's cultural and environmental issues, blending news with note-worthy commentary. These articles sometimes skip through topics, but music occasionally is part of the discussions.

  • Can you recommend a good Carl Hiaasen novel for quick reading?

    For a quick and engaging read, you might enjoy "Skinny Dip," which is a great example of Carl Hiaasen's ability to weave together humor and a thrilling plot. It's available online, often in paperback, and with high reviews, it's often credited as one of Hiaasen's most entertaining works.

  • In which Carl Hiaasen book can I find the man named John?

    You'll encounter the character John in Carl Hiaasen's novel "Bad Monkey." John plays into the narrative filled with the eccentric characters and hilarious situations typical to Hiaasen's signature style.

  • What did reviewers find particularly funny about Carl Hiaasen's novels?

    Reviewers often mention that the humor in Carl Hiaasen's novels stems from the outrageous yet somehow believable things that his characters do in the vibrant setting of Florida. With a knack for crafting stories that reflect the absurdities of real life, his novels often have readers laughing out loud at the situations these characters find themselves in. Reviewers find Carl Hiaasen's good-humored writing exceptionally engaging.

  • Some of Carl Hiaasen's bestsellers were narrated in December. Are these available for purchase?

    Yes, Carl Hiaasen's bestsellers with December release dates, including those with memorable characters like Kiki Pew, are available online. You can find them easily linked on Amazon where you can give credit to your reading list with some fantastic, good, failed-to-put-down selections. Remember, we at Most Recommended Books are here to ensure you get access to Hiaasen's classic tales and the latest news in book releases.

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