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Jack Widow Books in Order (17 Book Series)

Black DaylightA Reason to KillFire Watch

Jack Widow is a series of 17 books written by Scott Blade. Here, you can see them all in order! (plus the year each book was published)

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Last Updated: Monday 1 Jan, 2024

    Total: 17 books


    • What are the Jack Widow books in the series in order?

      The Jack Widow books by Scott Blade are published by Black Lion Media. To enjoy the Widow series as the author intended, it's best to read them by their release date. Starting with "Gone Forever" as the first book, continue in sequence for a consistent story experience.

    • Can you provide the entire Jack Widow widow series in order for new readers?

      Absolutely, the Jack Widow series in order, which offers a thrilling reading experience somewhat reminiscent of Jack Reacher, should be enjoyed in series in order of publication to fully grasp the evolution of the story. Black Lion Media, the publisher, lists the entire Jack Widow books in order on their website, which you can easily follow.

    • Who is the author Scott Blade of the Jack Widow book series?

      The author of the riveting Jack Widow series is Scott Blade. The character of Jack Widow, brought to life by Scott Blade, has been compared to Lee Child’s iconic Jack Reacher, and Blade captures a similar essence of mystery and adventure in his writing.

    • Is there a specific menu of books for fans of the Widow book series available on your site?

      Our site features a curated menu catering to fans of the Widow series. Each Jack Widow book is linked to its Kindle version on Amazon, making it simple for readers to find what they need and start reading right away.

    • Why is it important to read the Jack Widow series in the proper order?

      Reading the Widow series in proper order is important because it helps readers understand the progression of Jack Widow's character and unravels the secret backstory that connects each book. This ensures you get the most out of Scott Blade's intricately crafted narrative, with every detail meticulously planned by the author.

    • How is the Jack Widow book series connected to Jack Reacher?

      The Jack Widow book series often draws comparisons to Jack Reacher due to the titular character, Jack Widow, being a former military man turned drifter, similar to Lee Child's Reacher. While crafted by a different author, fans of Reacher often enjoy following Widow's own adventures and story, with Scott Blade's unique contributions to the character.

    • Are there any new Jack Widow books planned for release by Scott Blade in the Jack Widow series?

      Yes, Scott Blade, the dedicated author of the Widow series, actively continues Jack's saga, with new books typically being released periodically. To keep up with the latest and to ensure you don't miss any new additions, you can follow Black Lion Media or sign up for updates on latest releases. In the meantime, readers can explore related characters like Alex Ormond and Philip in Blade's wider literary universe.