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Vince Flynn Books in Order (22 Book Series)

Transfer of PowerTerm LimitsThe Third Option

Vince Flynn has written a series of 22 books. Here, you can see them all in order! (plus the year each book was published)

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Last Updated: Monday 1 Jan, 2024

    Total: 22 books


    • What are the Vince Flynn books in order as part of the series in order?

      Vince Flynn's books are best enjoyed in reading them chronological order, especially for readers looking to follow the development of his most famous character. The Mitch Rapp series includes several books that you can read in this sequence: "American Assassin", "Kill Shot", "Transfer of Power", "The Third Option", "Separation of Power", "Executive Power", "Memorial Day", "Consent to Kill", "Act of Treason", "Protect and Defend", "Extreme Measures", "Pursuit of Honor", "The Last Man", "The Survivor" (written by Kyle Mills after Flynn's passing), "Order to Kill", "Enemy of the State", "Red War", "Lethal Agent", and "Total Power". Kyle Mills has continued the series seamlessly, maintaining the essence of Mitch Rapp.

    • I'm new to Vince Flynn books. Where should I begin reading?

      For those new to Vince Flynn's books, starting with "American Assassin" is ideal as it introduces the character of Mitch Rapp and serves as a prequel to the series. This approach to reading allows fans to understand Rapp's origins and see his progression throughout the series.

    • Are all the books in order part of the same series?

      Yes, all the books in order fall under the Mitch Rapp series, which is a collection of political thrillers filled with espionage and action-packed scenarios. Whether you're looking to enjoy the paperback versions or prefer the kindle format, or searching for a compelling mystery to get lost in, you'll find that the series in order is consistent in featuring Rapp's exciting exploits. Fans who shop for these thrillers will be pleased with the intense and engaging pages of each installment.

    • Who took over the writing of the series after Vince Flynn?

      After Vince Flynn's untimely passing, author Kyle Mills was chosen to continue the Mitch Rapp series. Kyle has done an outstanding job preserving the integrity and style that Vince Flynn's fans have come to love in this fiction series, while contributing his own touches to the beloved character.

    • Can you tell me more about the latest book in the Mitch Rapp series?

      As of my knowledge cutoff date, the latest book in the Mitch Rapp series is "Total Power", which sees Mitch Rapp grappling with a nationwide power outage caused by terrorists. It's a gripping continuation of the series that many fans of Vince Flynn and political thrillers, including supporters of Brad Thor, find compelling.

    • Is the Mitch Rapp series similar to the works of other authors like Brad Thor?

      Yes, fans of Vince Flynn's political thrillers and Brad Thor often enjoy the works of Brad Thor, as both authors create riveting political thrillers with strong protagonists. While each author has a unique writing style, both deliver fast-paced action and complex plots that fans of the genre appreciate.

    • How often are new Vince Flynn books or series continuations released?

      New books in the Mitch Rapp series are typically released annually. Since Kyle Mills took over the series, fans have eagerly anticipated a new Rapp adventure every year, generally around the month of October. It's always best to check for the exact release dates as they can vary.