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Victor the Assassin Books in Order (11 Book Series)

The EnemyThe HunterBad Luck In Berlin

Victor the Assassin is a series of 11 books written by Tom Wood. Here, you can see them all in order! (plus the year each book was published)

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Last Updated: Monday 1 Jan, 2024

    Total: 11 books


    • Can you list the victor the assassin books in victor the assassin series in order for new readers?

      Certainly! To enjoy the victor the assassin series in order, readers should start with the following sequence:

    • What is the proper order for someone looking to start the victor the assassin book series?

      To dive into the victor the assassin series order properly, you should begin with "The Killer" as the first book and proceed through the list I've provided above sequentially to follow the protagonist's thrilling escapades.

    • Is there a specific author associated with writing the victor the assassin book series?

      Yes, author Tom Wood, affectionately known as Tom by his fans, is the talent behind the victor the assassin book series, known for his gripping storytelling and the creation of the enigmatic character, Victor.

    • What formats are hardcover paperback and are available for the assassin books in the victor the assassin series?

      The victor the assassin series is available in hardcover and paperback kindle options as well as in paperback and kindle editions for various reading preferences.

    • Where can I find the books in the victor the assassin series to read?

      You can find links to all the books in the victor series on Amazon through our website, Most Recommended Books, where we guide you to the best reading choices.

    • Can you tell me more about the genre of the victor the assassin books?

      The victor the assassin book is a part of the thrilling thriller series that delves into espionage and action, providing a top-notch reading experience for fans of the thriller fiction genre.

    • Who is the target audience for the victor the assassin novels?

      The target audience for the victor series primarily consists of readers who enjoy fast-paced, intense assassin book novels, and those who appreciate the intricate writing of authors like Tom Wood who craft compelling characters like the assassin Victor.