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Mo Hayder Books in Order (10 Book Series)

GoneBirdmanHanging Hill

Mo Hayder has written a series of 10 books. Here, you can see them all in order! (plus the year each book was published)

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Last Updated: Monday 1 Jan, 2024

    Total: 10 books


    • Can you list Mo Hayder books in order, including the Jack Caffery series?

      Certainly! Mo Hayder's books, especially her crime thriller series featuring Detective Jack Caffery, are best enjoyed in publication order to understand the character development and overarching plot lines. Her series in order starts with "Birdman," followed by "The Treatment," "Ritual," "Skin," "Gone," "Poppet," "Wolf," and her final book, "The Book of Sand." Mo Hayder's literary prowess is evident throughout her series.

    • What is the first Mo Hayder book I should start with to best appreciate the Caffery series?

      If you're new to Mo Hayder books in order, you should start with her first Jack Caffery novel, "Birdman." This sets up the series' complex and gripping tone, delivering an intense crime mystery experience that sets the stage for the enthralling cases to come.

    • What makes Mo Hayder's books stand out among other crime thriller authors in the genre?

      Author Mo Hayder is known for her meticulous attention to detail and her ability to weave deeply disturbing yet irresistible crime plots. Her novels often dive into the dark corners of the human psyche, making them stand out for their psychological depth and nail-biting suspense. This distinct quality often earns her a special place among authors in the thriller genre.

    • How many books are in Mo Hayder's Jack Caffery series in order?

      The Jack Caffery series by author Mo Hayder consists of eight books in order. Fans often praise the intricate mystery and top-notch thriller writing that authors like Mo Hayder deliver throughout this gripping series.

    • How can I keep track of all Mo Hayder books in order to ensure I read them in the correct series order?

      To follow Mo Hayder books in order, you can create a checklist based on their publication order or search our website, Most Recommended Books, where we have conveniently listed Mo Hayder book titles in sequence for readers.

    • Does Mo Hayder write standalone novels, or does she only write series books featuring detective Jack Caffery?

      In addition to her renowned series featuring Jack Caffery, Mo Hayder has authored standalone novels. These offer the same high level of thriller and crime storytelling, providing readers with a range of disturbing yet captivating reading experiences.

    • Are there any new Mo Hayder books on the horizon, and where can I find them in the right order?

      Sadly, there are no new books, as Mo Hayder, the talented author behind these thrilling novels, passed away in 2021. However, her legacy lives on through her writing. You can find all her available books listed on our website, Most Recommended Books, and we provide links to their Amazon pages for your convenience.