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Maya Angelou Books in Order (49 Book Series)

Just Give Me a Cool Drink of Water 'Fore I DiiieI Know Why the Caged Bird SingsGather Together in My Name

Maya Angelou has written a series of 49 books. Here, you can see them all in order! (plus the year each book was published)

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Last Updated: Monday 1 Jan, 2024

    Total: 49 books
    1. 11


      Maya Angelou

    2. 26


      Maya Angelou



    • Can you provide a list of Maya Angelou books in series order, including Maya Angelou books in order?

      Absolutely. For readers interested in exploring Maya Angelou's literary journey, there is a book series of autobiographies that can be read in chronological order, or Maya Angelou books in order. Her first and most famous book is "I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings," followed by titles like "Gather Together in My Name," "Singin' and Swingin' and Gettin' Merry Like Christmas," and several more. Readers can shop for these books and add the complete series to their collection for an inspiring and powerful reading experience.

    • Are all of Maya Angelou's books autobiographies?

      Maya Angelou's body of work is extensive and includes not just a series of autobiographies but poetry, essays, and fiction. Nonetheless, she is perhaps best known for her series of seven autobiographies, which chronicle her life from childhood to older adulthood. These memoirs stand as a testament to her talent as an author and offer readers a glimpse into the experiences that shaped her voice.

    • What formats can I find Angelou's books in, and are they available digitally?

      Readers can find Maya Angelou's books in various formats, including paperback, hardcover, and, for those who prefer digital books, the Kindle edition. Those looking to read Angelou's work can easily shop for their preferred format and save it on their Amazon Kindle for convenient access anytime.

    • How can I add Maya Angelou's books to my cart on Amazon?

      To add Maya Angelou's books to your cart on Amazon, simply browse the selection on our website, choose the book or books you're interested in, and click on the link provided. This will take you to the Amazon page where you can select the edition, whether it's paperback, hardcover, or for Kindle devices, and then click “Add to Cart”. Once you've added all the desired books, you can proceed to checkout to complete your purchase.

    • Does Most Recommended Books consider any of Angelou's writings top recommendations for gifts?

      Yes, among Maya Angelou's extensive bibliography, many of her books, especially her autobiographies and volumes of poetry, are considered top picks for meaningful gifts. The profound wisdom and lyrical prose found in her works like "I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings" and "Still I Rise" make them exceptional choices for anyone looking to gift a piece of literary history, akin to the celebrated works of Langston Hughes.

    • Can I find biographies or books about Maya Angelou on your website, for instance, books about her connection to Langston Hughes?

      While our primary focus is on the works authored by Maya Angelou herself, including her own autobiographies, you can certainly find biographies and other books about this remarkable author Maya Angelou through the links we provide on our website. These additional titles offer different perspectives on her life and work, and they can be a great complement to reading her own writing, similarly to how one might explore the life of Langston Hughes through various biographies.

    • I'm interested in poetry as well as memoirs, did Maya Angelou write poetry, and is it available on your site?

      Indeed, Maya Angelou was a multifaceted author who wrote arresting poetry along with her autobiographies. Her collections such as "And Still I Rise" and "Phenomenal Woman" are celebrated for their emotional depth and lyrical beauty, reminiscent of the expressive poetry of Langston Hughes. Fans of both memoirs and poetry can find her work on our website, where we direct users to Amazon to easily shop for and add these titles to their cart in various formats, including special hardcover editions that make a wonderful gift or keepsake.