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Matt Haig Books in Order (24 Book Series)

The Dead Fathers ClubThe Labrador PactShadow Forest

Matt Haig has written a series of 24 books. Here, you can see them all in order! (plus the year each book was published)

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Last Updated: Monday 1 Jan, 2024

    Total: 24 books


    • Can you provide matt haig's books in order by publication date, including his novels?

      Absolutely, matt haig's novels have been published in a specific order which avid readers often like to follow. The publication order starts with his debut novel, "The Last Family in England" (also known as "The Labrador Pact"), followed by a series of both fiction and non-fiction works. It's possible to follow his author journey from the early days to his latest Kindle publication on our website where we feature a list of his books with their respective publication dates and book covers.

    • What are some of the most popular matt haig books in order, beloved by many friends and readers alike?

      Some of the most popular matt haig books that readers often seek include "The Midnight Library," "How to Stop Time," and "Reasons to Stay Alive." These novels and non-fiction titles have been well-received, with "The Midnight Library" having garnered particular attention as a Sunday Times bestseller. For the complete publication order, which includes these hits and more, visit our curated lists. Award-winning authors like matt haig have a knack for capturing the hearts of their audience.

    • How can I find matt haig's books that are part of a series in order to complete my collection?

      If you're interested in reading matt haig's works that belong to a book series, you may want to explore the "Shadow Forest" series which includes "Shadow Forest" and its sequel "Runaway Troll." These books weave fantastic fiction with elements of fantasy and adventure, perfect for series enthusiasts looking to read consecutively.

    • What are some standalone matt haig novels I can start with as a new author follower?

      For those looking to dive into matt haig's world without committing to a series, standalone novels like "The Humans" and "How to Stop Time" come highly recommended. Both of these novels display his ability as an author to infuse life's big questions with humor and pathos, making them captivating reads for anyone new to his work.

    • I enjoy shorter works. Does Matt Haig write short stories as well for friends to enjoy?

      Indeed, in addition to his full-length novels, Matt Haig has also authored short stories. These offer a glimpse into his versatile writing style, which can be a wonderful way to introduce yourself to his fiction without the commitment of a novel. Although short stories are not his main format, they are an excellent addition to the reading lists of his fans looking for something brief yet impactful.

    • Can I access matt haig books on Kindle in order to have a digital library?

      Yes, many of matt haig's novels and non-fiction works are available for Kindle. Reading on Kindle is a convenient option for those who like to have their library at their fingertips, and our site can link you directly to the Kindle publication versions of his books on Amazon.

    • Do matt haig's books focus on any particular themes or subjects, perhaps revolving around the lives of friends or other relationships?

      Matt Haig's writing often explores deep and poignant themes revolving around mental health, the essence of time, and existential queries, all delivered with an underlying warmth and wit. Regardless of whether he's writing for children or adults, his ability to interweave fantasy elements with profound life lessons resonates with readers across England and beyond, making his books cherished among friends and family.