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Mary Kubica Books in Order (7 Book Series)

Pretty BabyThe Good GirlDon't You Cry

Mary Kubica has written a series of 7 books. Here, you can see them all in order! (plus the year each book was published)

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Last Updated: Monday 1 Jan, 2024

    Total: 7 books


    • What is the mary kubica books in order of publication order to add to my collection?

      To enjoy mary kubica's books in order of publication, you can start with her mesmerizing debut, "The Good Girl" (2014), followed by "Pretty Baby" (2015), "Don’t You Cry" (2016), "Every Last Lie" (2017), "When the Lights Go Out" (2018), "The Other Mrs." (2020), and "Local Woman Missing" (2021). While Mary Kubica's novels are not categorized under romance, they are best appreciated when read in the order they were published to see the evolution of her writing and kubica mary's expertise in weaving psychological suspense.

    • Can you tell me more about mary kubica books and what type of stories she writes?

      Mary Kubica's books are renowned for their intense psychological thriller plots and elements of domestic suspense, with no romance central themes. She delves deep into the psyches of her characters, exploring complex themes with surprising twists. Fans of the thriller genre will find kubica mary's novels riveting and hard to put down.

    • How can I find kubica books according to their publication order on Most Recommended Books?

      On our website, Most Recommended Books, simply search for 'Mary Kubica' in the search bar, and you'll find a listing of author mary kubica's novels. We display them by publication order for your convenience, making it easy to decide which book to add to your collection next or to add to your reading list.

    • Is there a particular series among mary kubica novels, or are they standalone stories?

      Author Kubica's novels are all standalone stories, each offering a unique plot and set of characters. There is no series to follow, which means you can enjoy each book on its own without needing to read them in any specific order, although fans new to her work often add "The Good Girl" as the first mary kubica novel they want to read.

    • What book did author mary kubica write first?

      The first book by the bestselling author Mary Kubica is "The Good Girl," which was published in 2014. This debut novel quickly earned her critical acclaim and established her as a notable voice in the psychological thriller genre, far from the typical romance narrative.

    • Are mary's books suitable as a gift? Do you offer gift options to add to my purchase?

      Absolutely, mary books make excellent gifts for any fan of suspense and thrillers, distinct from mainstream romance novels, offering a different kind of emotional journey. When you choose a book to add to your cart on Most Recommended Books, you can opt to proceed to shop for additional titles or to include gift cards with your purchase for that special someone.

    • Who are some authors similar to Kubica for readers looking for more in the same genre?

      Readers who enjoy the domestic suspense and psychological thriller aspects in Kubicas's novels might also appreciate works from authors like Gillian Flynn, Paula Hawkins, and Liane Moriarty. While we focus on recommending mary kubica's novels, exploring other authors within the same genre can offer a greater variety of this type of read, often intermingling elements of dark suspense rather than romance.