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Linda Howard Books in Order (66 Book Series)

An Independent WifeAll That GlittersAgainst the Rules

Linda Howard has written a series of 66 books. Here, you can see them all in order! (plus the year each book was published)

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Last Updated: Monday 1 Jan, 2024

    Total: 66 books
    1. 23


      Linda Howard

    2. 24
      Dream Man

      Dream Man

      Linda Howard

    3. 38
      Blue Moon

      Blue Moon

      Linda Howard

    4. 55


      Linda Howard

    5. 60


      Linda Howard

    6. 61


      Linda Howard



    • Can you provide a list of Linda Howard novels in order?

      Of course, in reply Linda Howard's novels are popular among readers, especially her romantic suspense titles. While we can provide a list of books by publication order or book series, please note that we are unable to order books for you. We recommend that you check her books on our website, which will direct you to Amazon where you can find them available in various formats such as Kindle or paperback, perfect for reading on the go or at home.

    • I am new to Linda Howard books. Which book should I start with?

      Linda Howard, the author, has written numerous novels that span across various sub-genres of romance and suspense. As an author, she has the ability to draw readers into the lives of her characters. If you are new to her work, you might want to start with one of her most popular stand-alone novels or the first book of one of her series. Check the publication date to start with her earlier novels, or pick a book based on your preference for romantic or suspenseful themes.

    • Are all Linda Howard books part of a book series?

      Not all Linda Howard books are part of a book series. She has authored many stand-alone novels in addition to her romantic suspense series. You can enjoy the majority of her novels without needing to follow a specific order, giving you the flexibility to read based on your interests in the story and life of the characters.

    • What genres does Linda Howard author write in that adds a spark to life?

      Linda Howard is an award-winning author who writes primarily in the romance and suspense genres. Her novels often combine elements of both, making her a staple in the romantic suspense category. Her ability to intertwine passion and danger has captivated readers for years.

    • Where can I find Linda Howard books in Kindle or paperback format as I reply to my friends' book recommendations?

      You can find Linda Howard novels in both Kindle and paperback formats through the links provided on our website. While our policy doesn't allow us to sell books directly, we make it easy for readers to purchase the format they prefer by linking them to Amazon, where they might encounter a killer plot within the pages of Howard's books.

    • Does Linda Howard only write adult fiction?

      Yes, Linda Howard is known for her adult fiction, particularly in the romantic suspense genre where a killer twist might lurk around the corner. Her characters often navigate intricate life situations entangled with love and impending danger, which generally appeals to adult readers.

    • How do I keep track of new releases or order announcements from Linda Howard?

      To keep up with the latest releases and news from Linda Howard, the best approach is to sign up for our newsletter. We regularly update our subscribers with new book announcements and provide information about authors like Howard. Additionally, in our reply to your enthusiasm, we often feature book recommendations and might include gift cards as a sign of our appreciation for our readers' passion for books and reading.