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Kate Carlisle Books in Order (32 Book Series)

If Books Could KillHomicide in HardcoverThe Millionaire Meets His Match

Kate Carlisle has written a series of 32 books. Here, you can see them all in order! (plus the year each book was published)

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Last Updated: Monday 1 Jan, 2024

    Total: 32 books


    • Can you list all Kate Carlisle books in order?

      Certainly! To ensure that readers can follow the progression of plot and character development, we recommend reading Kate Carlisle's books in the order of their publication. Her most popular series, the Bibliophile Mysteries, starts with "Homicide in Hardcover" and includes multiple titles that readers can find and add to their shop lists via our website. All the series' books are listed in order on our Kate Carlisle author page, ensuring you won't miss a single cozy mystery!

    • Who is Kate Carlisle, the author?

      Kate Carlisle is a bestselling author renowned for her captivating mysteries that often combine intrigue with a hint of romance. Her work generally falls under the cozy mystery genre, featuring charming characters and intriguing plots that engage and entertain readers. Kate Carlisle is known for creating the beloved Bibliophile Mystery series which follows the adventures of protagonist Brooklyn Wainwright.

    • I'm new to Kate Carlisle's cozy books. Which series should I start with as a bibliophile?

      If you're new to Kate Carlisle's work, a great place to start is her wildly popular Bibliophile Mystery series, filled with cozy, literary-themed puzzles that will surely grab your attention from the first page. The bibliophile protagonist, Brooklyn Wainwright, is a skilled bookbinder who often finds herself embroiled in solving various murder mysteries that come her way. The first book in this series is "Homicide in Hardcover".

    • Does Kate Carlisle write any Christmas-themed books?

      Yes, Kate Carlisle has added some holiday cheer to her repertoire with Christmas-themed mysteries. Among these festive tales is "The Grim Reader", which is part of the Bibliophile Mystery series. It’s a wonderful seasonal read for those who enjoy a dose of yuletide spirit with their puzzle-solving.

    • Can I find Kate Carlisle's mystery books in Kindle format?

      Absolutely! Kate Carlisle's mysteries are available in Kindle format, which is perfect for readers who prefer the convenience of digital reading. All her beloved cozy mysteries, including the adventures of Brooklyn and Shannon, can be easily found and purchased in Kindle format through links on our website.

    • Is Kate's work available beyond the mystery genre?

      Primarily, Kate Carlisle is known for her mystery novels, with a special focus on the cozy subgenre. Her Bibliophile Mystery series and Fixer-Upper Mystery series with contractor Shannon Hammer are where she has gained the most acclaim. While she is predominantly known for these series, the charm and suspense that her readers have come to love can be found within all her writings.

    • How often does Kate Carlisle add new books to her series?

      Kate Carlisle regularly adds new books to her series, much to the delight of her readers. While we do not have a specific schedule of her releases, fans can anticipate new mysteries to unfold in both her Bibliophile and Fixer-Upper series, as Carlisle continues to craft her engaging and cozy narratives. Keep an eye on our website for updates on her latest releases.