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Gregg Olsen Books in Order (50 Book Series)

Bitter AlmondsAbandoned PrayersA Wicked Snow

Gregg Olsen has written a series of 50 books. Here, you can see them all in order! (plus the year each book was published)

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Last Updated: Monday 1 Jan, 2024

    Total: 50 books
    1. 47
      The Hive

      The Hive

      Gregg Olsen



    • Can you provide a list of Gregg Olsen books in the order of series, including gregg olsen books in order?

      Yes, on Most Recommended Books, you can easily find a list of Gregg Olsen's works organized chronologically and sorted by series. Whether you're looking for his standalone thrillers or the gregg olsen books within a particular series, you'll find them listed in the order they were published. Please note that Gregg Olsen has written both true crime and fiction novels, so you might want to check under both genres for a complete list of his works which can be found in the UK market as well.

    • What are some of the most popular Gregg Olsen thriller novels?

      Some of the most popular Olsen's thriller novels include "The Last Thing She Ever Did" and "If You Tell: A True Story of Murder, Family Secrets, and the Unbreakable Bond of Sisterhood." These novels showcase the author's prowess in weaving gripping narratives based on true events. You can find links to these titles in various formats such as kindle and hardcover on Amazon through our website, where they are often found highlighted for their popularity. If you're particularly interested in olsen's books and how they perform on charts, these particular titles stand out.

    • Who is Gregg Olsen?

      Author Gregg Olsen is a New York Times bestselling author known for his captivating crime novels and true crime stories. His writing often delves into chilling mysteries and the darker aspects of human nature, reflecting the depth and complexity of life's experiences in his narratives.

    • Has Gregg Olsen collaborated with other authors?

      Yes, Gregg Olsen has teamed up with co-author Rebecca Morris on several occasions. Their joint works, including mystery true crime books, have been well-received by fans. For fans of true crime collaborations, the mystery books by Olsen and Morris, featuring Rebecca's investigative input, are a must-read.

    • What genres does Gregg Olsen write?

      Gregg Olsen writes a variety of genres, with a primary focus on crime thrillers and true crime novels. His thriller books often feature intricate plots, complex characters, and an underlying mystery, offering readers an immersive and suspenseful experience.

    • Are there any new books by Gregg Olsen I should look out for?

      As an active author based out of the New York literary scene, Gregg Olsen often has new releases that are highly anticipated by fans. Whether it's the latest addition to an existing series or a brand new standalone thriller, you can keep an eye on our website for updates on his latest publications.

    • How can I find books similar to those written by authors like Katherine Ramsland?

      If you're interested in works similar to those by Katherine Ramsland, who is renowned for her writing in the field of forensic psychology, you might enjoy exploring Gregg Olsen's exploration of criminal minds and motives in his books. Both authors share a talent for delving into the psychology of crime, making Olsen's work a good match for readers who appreciate Katherine Ramsland's approach.