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Elizabeth George Books in Order (30 Book Series)

Payment in BloodA Great DeliveranceWell-Schooled in Murder

Elizabeth George has written a series of 30 books. Here, you can see them all in order! (plus the year each book was published)

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Last Updated: Monday 1 Jan, 2024

    Total: 30 books
    1. 13
      I, Richard

      I, Richard

      Elizabeth George



    • How can I find Elizabeth George books in order to ensure I am reading them chronologically?

      We've made it easy to follow the progression of Elizabeth George's work. You can find a comprehensive list with all the titles arranged chronologically on our website for your convenience. This will ensure that you're reading the stories in the sequence intended by the author, which is especially helpful for series. Plus, checking out reviews can give insights into each book before you start reading.

    • What should I know about the series in order by Elizabeth George?

      Elizabeth George is well known for her Inspector Lynley series featuring Detective Sergeant Barbara Havers. For fans of mystery series or those who prefer to dive into a series in order, we provide all the titles listed from first to last, making your reading experience seamless. Reading a series in order will also allow you to witness the character development as if by god's design, especially the transformation of recurring characters.

    • Are the Elizabeth George books considered cozy mystery novels?

      Elizabeth George's novels are generally categorized as mystery or detective fiction rather than cozy mystery, as they tend to feature more complex plots and psychological depth. However, they still provide that engrossing reading experience mystery fans crave, with a woman often playing a key role in the driving force of the narratives.

    • Who is the detective sergeant that appears in the Elizabeth George Inspector Lynley books?

      Detective Sergeant Barbara Havers is a central character in Elizabeth George's Inspector Lynley series. She is a well-crafted woman character and adds a dynamic layer to the mysteries as she solves crimes alongside Inspector Thomas Lynley.

    • Can I purchase Elizabeth George books in order for Kindle on Most Recommended Books?

      Absolutely! On Most Recommended Books, we've linked each title to its Amazon page, where you can find various formats available for purchase including Kindle, hardcover, and print editions. Simply add your chosen format to your cart and enjoy reading.

    • What if I have a question about an Elizabeth George book or need more information about the series?

      If you have any inquiries about Elizabeth George's books or require further information, feel free to send us a message. Our team is always ready to provide assistance or reply with the information you're looking for. Whether it's about book availability, specific content, or the order they should be read in, we're here to help.

    • Why is Elizabeth George so popular among readers of the mystery genre and cozy mystery enthusiasts?

      Elizabeth George stands out among authors in the mystery genre due to her intricate plotlines and well-developed characters, including the renowned Inspector Lynley. Readers are often drawn to her books for their intellectual depth and emotional resonance, with narratives that capture both the mind and the heart. Her ability to weave suspense with the human experience makes her a top pick.