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DK Hood Books in Order (18 Book Series)

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DK Hood has written a series of 18 books. Here, you can see them all in order! (plus the year each book was published)

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Last Updated: Monday 1 Jan, 2024

    Total: 18 books


    • Can you list the DK Hood books in order?

      Absolutely, the D.K. Hood books, which are part of the Detectives Kane and Alton series, should be read in chronological order to best understand the character developments and story arcs. You can find the complete list and order of the books on our website, each linked to their Kindle editions for convenient access.

    • Could you guide me on how to navigate the series in order through the menu on your website?

      Of course! On our website, navigate to the menu and select the "Book Series" category. There you'll find the D.K.Hood series listed in order. We provide links directly to Amazon, where you can purchase the Kindle versions or physical copies.

    • What genre does D.K.Hood write, and who are the main characters in her books?

      D.K Hood specializes in crime thriller fiction, and her books frequently revolve around the dynamic detectives Kane and Alton. The series delves into gripping crime investigations, and the author's engrossing writing brings the characters' personalities, like Detective Jenna Alton and her partner David Kane, to life.

    • As a new reader, why should I start reading the D K Hood book series in this order?

      The D K Hood book series is well-loved by fans of crime fiction for its engaging plotlines and well-developed characters. As an author, D.K.Hood's storytelling captures the essence of suspense and intrigue which makes her series a must-read for enthusiasts of the genre.

    • How many books are in the Detectives Kane and Alton series by D.K Hood?

      The Detectives Kane and Alton series by D.K Hood comprises multiple books that offer continuous engagement with thrilling mysteries and the compelling partnership between the two main characters. Check the detailed list on our website for the latest count and order.

    • Are there any stand-alone novels written by author D K Hood or are all her books interconnected?

      The author D K Hood is primarily known for her Alton series, which features recurring characters and themes. While the books follow a sequence, each novel presents a unique case, enabling readers to enjoy individual stories as well.

    • Does the author of the Detectives Kane and Alton series, D.K.Hood, have any upcoming books?

      As authors often do, D.K.Hood continues to write new additions to her book series. For the latest updates on upcoming releases by Hood or to find the current Detectives Kane and Alton series in order, please check our website, as we frequently update our list with the newest titles and convenient Kindle links.