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Diane Mott Davidson Books in Order (18 Book Series)

Dying for ChocolateCatering to NobodyThe Cereal Murders

Diane Mott Davidson has written a series of 18 books. Here, you can see them all in order! (plus the year each book was published)

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Last Updated: Monday 1 Jan, 2024

    Total: 18 books


    • What is the proper diane mott davidson books in order?

      To enjoy the full experience of diane mott davidson's culinary mysteries in order, it is best to read her books in the order they were released. Starting from her first book 'Catering to Nobody' up to 'The Whole Enchilada', each book follows the amateur sleuth and caterer Goldy Schulz. You'll find links to purchase these novels in both audio and hardcover formats on our site, ensuring you can savor the stories in your preferred medium.

    • Can you tell me more about diane mott davidson's books and their genre, especially the cozy mystery aspect?

      Diane Mott Davidson is renowned for her cozy mystery novels, which is a subgenre of crime fiction where the crime and detection take place in a small, socially intimate community. Davidson's books are a fine blend of cozy mystery with a delectable culinary twist, featuring amateur sleuth Goldy Shulz who uses her cooking expertise to solve various murders while offering a delicious culinary mystery for readers to unravel.

    • I'm new to diane mott davidson books. Where should I start to ensure I follow the mystery in the correct order?

      If you're looking to dive into diane mott davidson's work, it makes sense to start with her first book in the series, 'Catering to Nobody'. This introduces you to the central character and sets the stage for the subsequent mysteries. Each book can be enjoyed on its own, but reading them in order ensures you don't miss any character development or references to past events in the cozy series.

    • Are there any recent releases of diane mott davidson novels by the author?

      The most current release from author diane mott davidson was 'The Whole Enchilada', which came out in 2013. At this time, we're unable to add any newer titles by the author as she hasn't released additional books since then. Make sure to keep your reading cards updated with this last known publication, in case you're reading in order.

    • How many books are in the diane mott davidson series for fans of cozy culinary mysteries?

      The series by author Diane Mott Davidson consists of 17 novels, each one a unique culinary mystery. Each book revolves around the amateur sleuth Goldy Schulz and her knack for unraveling mysteries in her Colorado community. These books are particularly known for their cozy and culinary charm.

    • Where can I find a list of all diane mott davidson's books to compare with other authors?

      You can find a comprehensive list of diane mott davidson book titles on our Most Recommended Books page. We link directly to Amazon for each book to facilitate your purchase, whether you prefer audio versions to listen on the go or hardcovers to add to your collection. It's a great resource to compare with other cozy mystery authors.

    • What should I do if I find a diane mott davidson book unavailable in order to continue my cozy reading?

      Occasionally, some of diane mott davidson's books might be unavailable due to publisher decisions or stock issues. Although we are unable to influence this directly, we suggest keeping an eye on our site for restocking updates or new editions, and continuing to enjoy reading other mysteries by different cozy mystery authors in the meantime.