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Denzil Meyrick Books in Order (14 Book Series)

The Last WitnessWhisky From Small GlassesDalintober Moon

Denzil Meyrick has written a series of 14 books. Here, you can see them all in order! (plus the year each book was published)

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Last Updated: Monday 1 Jan, 2024

    Total: 14 books


    • What is the Denzil Meyrick books in order for the Daley series?

      The Denzil Meyrick books in the order for the Daley series commence with "Whisky from Small Glasses" followed by "The Last Witness," "Dark Suits and Sad Songs," "The Rat Stone Serenade," "Well of the Winds," "The Relentless Tide," "A Breath on Dying Embers," and subsequent titles. This book series focuses on Detective Daley and is a thrilling must-read for fans of mystery and detective fiction.

    • Can you tell me the series order for Denzil Meyrick's novels?

      Certainly! To enjoy the Daley series to its fullest, I recommend reading the books in the series order starting with the first book. The stories follow the exploits of detective Daley and are set in the vividly described Scottish town of Kinloch. You can easily add these novels to your reading list or search for them on e-readers like Kindle.

    • I'm looking for books by Denzil Meyrick. Where should I start?

      If you're looking to dive into books by Denzil Meyrick, starting with his Daley series is a great choice. As a top recommendation, you could begin with the first book in the series to follow the character development and plot progression as intended by Denzil.

    • Are the Denzil Meyrick books available in a specific series order?

      Yes, the Denzil Meyrick books are available in a specific series order, especially for the Daley series. Readers often prefer to follow the chronological order to experience the evolution of characters and unfolding of the intricate plotlines that define this engaging mystery thriller series.

    • What type of genres do Denzil Meyrick's books fall into?

      Denzil Meyrick's books are primarily mystery and thriller novels with a strong focus on crime and detective stories. His fiction works are well-regarded for their gripping suspense and complex characters, particularly detective Daley, who is central to the Daley series.

    • Can I find Denzil's work available in Kindle format?

      Absolutely, Denzil's work is readily available in Kindle format. Fans of e-reading can effortlessly add his novels to their Kindle and enjoy the thrill of his stories anywhere and anytime. Meyrick's Daley series is particularly popular among Kindle readers searching for an engrossing mystery thriller.

    • Where is the setting for Denzil Meyrick's Daley series?

      The setting for Denzil Meyrick's Daley series is the fictional Scottish town of Kinloch, where the series' protagonist, Detective Daley, solves a wide array of complex cases. The vivid portrayal of Kinloch adds a unique and atmospheric backdrop to the gripping storylines of the detective's adventures.