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Clare Mackintosh Books in Order (8 Book Series)

I See YouI Let You GoLet Me Lie

Clare Mackintosh has written a series of 8 books. Here, you can see them all in order! (plus the year each book was published)

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Last Updated: Monday 1 Jan, 2024

    Total: 8 books
    1. 1
      I Let You Go

      I Let You Go

      Clare Mackintosh

    2. 2
      I See You

      I See You

      Clare Mackintosh

    3. 3
      Let Me Lie

      Let Me Lie

      Clare Mackintosh

    4. 5
      After the End

      After the End

      Clare Mackintosh

    5. 6
      The Donor

      The Donor

      Clare Mackintosh

    6. 7


      Clare Mackintosh



    • What is the clare mackintosh books in order of publication order?

      Clare Mackintosh's books should be read according to their publication order to fully enjoy the progression of her storytelling and life experiences interwoven in her narratives. Starting with "I Let You Go" as her debut in 2014, followed by "I See You" in 2016, "Let Me Lie" in 2018, "After the End" in 2019, "Hostage" in 2021, and her latest book, "The Last Party" in 2022. Fans can find each of these in hardcover, paperback, or Kindle editions.

    • Can I find hardcover and paperback versions of author Clare Mackintosh's books on your site?

      Yes, you can find listings for Clare Mackintosh's novels in various formats, including hardcover paperback and paperback Kindle. When you select a book on our site, you’ll be directed to Amazon where you can choose the format that best suits your reading preferences, and you'll also find publisher Sphere as the main publisher for her books.

    • What genre are Mackintosh's novels categorized under in fiction?

      Clare Mackintosh is renowned for her gripping psychological thriller novels, a staple in the fiction genre. She brilliantly weaves suspense and tension, which has established her as one of the compelling voices in thriller fiction today. Her books often explore dark and complex themes, making them a must-read for fans of the genre.

    • How do I add Clare Mackintosh books to my wishlist for future reading?

      To add books by author Clare Mackintosh to your wishlist books, simply browse through her collection on our site and click on the 'Add to Wishlist' button for each book you're interested in. This feature will help you keep track of all your desired novels and organize your future reading plans.

    • Who is the publisher of Clare Mackintosh's books?

      The publisher of most of Clare Mackintosh's books is Sphere, an imprint known for publishing some of the best fiction authors. Publisher Sphere is often recognized for the quality and diversity of its catalogue. When searching for her books on our site, you will often see Sphere listed as the publisher. We provide links directly to Amazon for your convenience.

    • Can I get information about the avg rating for Clare Mackintosh books?

      Absolutely! On the individual book pages, you can find the avg rating for each of Clare Mackintosh's novels. These ratings are a great way to gauge the general reception of the author's work by readers who love the thriller and romance elements entangled in her fiction.

    • I’m new to Clare Mackintosh's work. Which book should I start with to get into her series?

      If you're interested in getting acquainted with her engrossing fiction, Clare Mackintosh's thrillers are mostly standalone novels. However, you can dive into her thrilling works by starting with "I Let You Go," acclaimed for its twisty narrative and compelling storytelling. It's not part of a series, but it will introduce you to her style and set you up for the thrilling experience her books provide. Whether you prefer hardcover, paperback, or Kindle editions, you are in for a captivating reading journey.