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Christina Lauren Books in Order (29 Book Series)

Beautiful BitchBeautiful BastardBeautiful Stranger

Christina Lauren has written a series of 29 books. Here, you can see them all in order! (plus the year each book was published)

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Last Updated: Monday 1 Jan, 2024

    Total: 29 books
    1. 8


      Christina Lauren

    2. 14
      The House

      The House

      Christina Lauren

    3. 18


      Christina Lauren

    4. 20


      Christina Lauren

    5. 26
      In a Holidaze

      In a Holidaze

      Christina Lauren



    • What is the correct order to read the books in the Christina Lauren series?

      To fully enjoy the character development and overarching plots, it's best to read the series in the order of publication. Each series by the author duo 'Christina Lauren' generally follows a sequence which allows for a more immersive experience. Visit the appropriate series page on our site to find the publication order.

    • Can I find standalone novels by the author that aren't part of a series?

      Absolutely! In addition to the beloved series, Christina Lauren has authored several standalone novels. These books can be found and enjoyed in any order since they are not interconnected.

    • How do I find the specific reading order for a particular Christina Lauren book series on Most Recommended Books?

      On our website, you can locate the series you're interested in and we will guide you to the correct reading order for that particular set of books. If you're looking to start a series, just click through to the dedicated page for that collection.

    • Which Christina Lauren book should I start with if I'm new to the author?

      The 'Beautiful' series is a popular starting point for new readers of Christina Lauren. Starting with 'Beautiful Bastard', this series gives readers a captivating introduction to their style and storytelling.

    • I noticed that some books by the author are part of a series, while others are not. How can I tell them apart?

      On our website, books that are part of a series are listed together, with a clear indication of their collective title and the sequence in which they should be read. Standalone novels are listed separately.

    • Are there Christina Lauren books available for purchase on Most Recommended Books?

      While we do not directly sell any books, we provide convenient links to purchase Christina Lauren's novels through our partner retailer, Amazon. You can find these links accompanying each book or series on our site.

    • I have a question that wasn't answered here. How can I get a reply to my inquiry about Christina Lauren's books?

      We're always here to help! You can reach out through our contact form on the website with any specific questions you have about Christina Lauren books. We'll endeavor to reply promptly with the information you need.