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Chet and Bernie Books in Order (13 Book Series)

Thereby Hangs a TailDog On ItTo Fetch a Thief

Chet and Bernie is a series of 13 books written by 2 authors. Here, you can see them all in order! (plus the year each book was published)

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Last Updated: Monday 1 Jan, 2024

    Total: 13 books


    • What are the Chet and Bernie books?

      The Chet and Bernie series by Spencer Quinn are a series of mystery novels written by Spencer Quinn. They follow the adventures of Bernie, a private investigator, and Chet, his loyal canine companion and narrator, as they solve various cases together. The books are well-loved for their unique narration and gripping plots, combining elements of humor and suspense.

    • Can you list the Chet and Bernie mystery books in series order for me?

      Absolutely! The mystery book series begins with "Dog On It," followed by "Thereby Hangs a Tail," "To Fetch a Thief," "The Dog Who Knew Too Much," "A Fistful of Collars," "The Sound and the Furry," "Paw and Order," "Scents and Sensibility,” and continues with additional titles that follow the duo on their sleuthing adventures. You can find the complete books in order with the latest titles on Most Recommended Books, where reading enthusiasts can discover their next favorite tale.

    • I am new to the Chet and Bernie books. Where should I start reading the book series?

      For the best experience, it's recommended to read the Chet and Bernie book series starting from the first book, "Dog On It." This will allow you to get to know the characters and follow their development throughout the series. You can find all the books listed in series order, which makes starting your reading journey easy.

    • Are there any mystery books with a canine protagonist like Chet from the Spencer Quinn novels?

      Yes, if you’re a fan of the Chet and Bernie books by Spencer Quinn and enjoy a good mystery with a canine twist, this series is top in its category. Chet, the lovable and astute four-legged detective, offers an endearing perspective that brings a refreshing take to the mystery genre.

    • What format are the Chet and Bernie books available in?

      The books in the Chet and Bernie series are available in various formats, including hardcover, paperback, and for digital readers, the Kindle editions. No matter your preference, you can find the format that suits your reading style best.

    • How can I find the latest book in the Chet and Bernie series by Spencer Quinn?

      To find the most recent installment of the Chet and Bernie series by Spencer Quinn, visit Most Recommended Books. Our site regularly updates the series list with the latest releases, ensuring you can stay on top of Bernie and Chet's newest adventures.

    • Where can I find recommendations for other books similar to the Chet and Bernie series by Spencer Quinn?

      On Most Recommended Books, you can find a wide range of recommendations for books that mirror the wit and charm of the Spencer Quinn series. We curate books similar in theme, style, or appeal, providing readers with an extensive collection of titles to add to their shelf.