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Beverly Cleary Books in Order (48 Book Series)

Ellen TebbitsHenry HugginsHenry and Beezus

Beverly Cleary has written a series of 48 books. Here, you can see them all in order! (plus the year each book was published)

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Last Updated: Monday 1 Jan, 2024

    Total: 48 books
    1. 24


      Beverly Cleary

    2. 31
      Young Love

      Young Love

      Beverly Cleary

    3. 33
      Lucky Chuck

      Lucky Chuck

      Beverly Cleary



    • What order should I read the Beverly Cleary books in order?

      If you're looking to enjoy Beverly Cleary's series in order, it's usually recommended to start with the publication date of her earliest works. This can help you follow the character development and storyline progression as they were introduced by the author.

    • Can you tell me more about the author Beverly Cleary as an author?

      Author Beverly Cleary was a prolific writer of children's and young adult fiction. She has been recognized with numerous awards, including the prestigious Newbery Medal for her outstanding contribution to children's literature. Her characters often navigate school and life's challenges in ways that have resonated with generations.

    • What are some must-read novels in Beverly Cleary's series?

      Beverly Cleary's novels span a variety of genres within children's fiction, including humorous tales and more serious coming-of-age stories. Some must-read novels include the timeless adventures of characters like Ramona Quimby and Henry Huggins.

    • Where can I buy the books by Beverly Cleary for my Kindle and shop for physical copies?

      If you're looking to buy Beverly Cleary's books for your Kindle, Most Recommended Books is your go-to resource. We provide convenient links to Amazon, where you can purchase and download them to your device instantly. Additionally, you can shop for print editions of her beloved stories at various online and brick-and-mortar bookstores.

    • What is a good Beverly's short story to start with or a shorter work in print?

      Beverly's short story collections offer delightful insights into her storytelling prowess and serve as an excellent introduction to her work. Many readers enjoy "The Mouse and the Motorcycle," which, while not a short story, is a shorter novel in print that captures the imagination with its humorous and adventurous tale.

    • Are Beverly Cleary's books suitable for all children?

      Beverly Cleary's books are widely regarded as suitable for children, especially those in elementary and middle school. Her novels often deal with the everyday realities of growing up, imbued with humor and heart that speaks to young readers.

    • What awards did Cleary's books receive?

      Author Beverly Cleary's books have received many awards throughout her career. Notably, she won the John Newbery Medal for "Dear Mr. Henshaw," and her other novels have frequently been recognized for their enduring appeal and contribution to children's literature.