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Artemis Fowl Books in Order (8 Book Series)

The Arctic IncidentArtemis FowlThe Eternity Code

Artemis Fowl is a series of 8 books written by Eoin Colfer. Here, you can see them all in order! (plus the year each book was published)

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Last Updated: Monday 1 Jan, 2024

    Total: 8 books


    • What is the Artemis Fowl book series in order, including all the books in the artemis fowl series in order?

      If you're looking to delve into the adventures of Artemis Fowl, here's the series order: 1) "Artemis Fowl," 2) "The Arctic Incident," 3) "The Eternity Code," 4) "The Opal Deception," 5) "The Lost Colony," 6) "The Time Paradox," 7) "The Atlantis Complex," and 8) "The Last Guardian." This sequence will ensure you follow Artemis Fowl's story as it was intended.

    • Can I find the complete Artemis Fowl series in order on your site, including the entire series order and other related artemis fowl books in order?

      Absolutely! Our website provides links to each book of the Artemis Fowl series in the proper reading order. Simply visit our recommended lists to find all the books you're looking for with ease.

    • I heard there's more to the Artemis Fowl book series; is there a spin-off?

      Yes, the Artemis Fowl universe extends beyond the original series. Eoin Colfer also wrote a spin-off series called "The Fowl Twins," which follows the adventures of Artemis Fowl's younger twin brothers.

    • What is the complete Artemis Fowl series order including the Fowl Twins novels, ensuring all related titles are included in this order?

      To experience the entire universe, you should start with the eight original Artemis Fowl series books in order, followed by the 'Fowl Twins' novels. The twins series begins with "The Fowl Twins" and continues with "Deny All Charges," and "The Fowl Twins Get What They Deserve."

    • I'm new to the series; where should I begin with the Artemis Fowl books in order to fully understand the storyline?

      Welcome to the world of Artemis Fowl! You should begin with the first book simply titled "Artemis Fowl." This introduces you to the young criminal mastermind and sets the stage for the entire series.

    • Are the Artemis Fowl series and Fowl Twins books written by the same author, Eoin Colfer?

      Yes, both the Artemis Fowl series and the Fowl Twins books are penned by Irish writer Eoin Colfer, ensuring a consistent storytelling style throughout the entire collection.

    • Is there a movie adaptation of the Artemis Fowl series, and was it produced by Disney?

      Indeed, there is a film adaptation of the first book in the series titled "Artemis Fowl," and it was produced by Disney. Note that, as is often the case, the movie takes certain creative liberties, so for the most faithful experience of Colfer's vision, we recommend reading the books.