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Allison Brennan Books in Order (61 Book Series)

The PreyOriginal SinThe Hunt

Allison Brennan is a series of 61 books written by 2 authors. Here, you can see them all in order! (plus the year each book was published)

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Last Updated: Monday 1 Jan, 2024

    Total: 61 books
    1. 26
      36 Hours

      36 Hours

      Allison Brennan

    2. 36
      Aim to Kill

      Aim to Kill

      Allison Brennan



    • Can you list all Allison Brennan books in order?

      The books by Allison Brennan are best enjoyed when read in order, especially when diving into her thriller series. You can find the sequence in which her books were published, along with their respective formats—hardcover, paperback, and Kindle—linked on our website. This will ensure a cohesive and thrilling books reading experience for the readers.

    • Where can I start with Allison Brennan novels order?

      A great starting point for exploring Allison Brennan's novels is with the Lucy Kincaid series. These romantic thriller novels provide a compelling blend of suspense and romance that will keep you hooked. Look for the first book in the series to begin your journey.

    • What kind of genres do Allison Brennan's thriller books cover?

      Allison Brennan is known for writing captivating romantic suspense novels that often delve into the genre of thrillers. Her series typically combine elements of murder, mystery, and thrilling romantic elements to create short stories that keep readers on the edge of their seats.

    • Is there a recent book from Allison Brennan author I should be aware of?

      Allison Brennan has a track record of releasing books that keep her fans eagerly waiting for more. You can always find her most recent thrillers with links to various formats on our site. Be sure to check what's new for the latest from this accomplished author.

    • Can I find Allison Brennan's books in digital format?

      Absolutely! Whether you prefer Kindle for your digital reading convenience or enjoy the tangible feel of a paperback in your hands, we have you covered. Allison Brennan's books are available in multiple formats, including digital ones for your e-reader devices.

    • Who is the main character in the Lucy Kincaid series by Allison Brennan?

      Lucy Kincaid, the central character in this popular series by Allison Brennan, is an FBI agent whose backstory and personal journey add depth to the thrilling cases she solves. If you enjoy following a strong protagonist through intense scenarios, the Lucy Kincaid series by this prolific author is definitely for you.

    • When was the first book of the Lucy Kincaid series publication?

      The first publication in the Lucy Kincaid series made its debut in January, giving readers their initial glimpse into the life of agent Kincaid and the intricate, suspenseful world she operates within. This marked the start of a series that has grown in popularity, offering a deeply engaging experience for thriller enthusiasts in New York and beyond.