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Tahereh Mafi Books in Order (17 Book Series)

An Emotion of Great DelightA Very Large Expanse of SeaBelieve Me

Tahereh Mafi has written a series of 17 books. Here, you can see them all in order! (plus the year each book was published)

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Last Updated: Monday 1 Jan, 2024

    Total: 17 books


    • What are Tahereh Mafi books in order, including standalone novels and series in order?

      Tahereh Mafi's acclaimed book series, starting with the Shatter Me series, should be read in the following publication order for the best experience: "Shatter Me," "Unravel Me," "Ignite Me," followed by the novellas "Destroy Me" and "Fracture Me," and finally the next books in the series "Restore Me," "Defy Me," and "Imagine Me." Ensure you check the series in order so that you can enjoy the unfolding of the story as the author intended.

    • Can I find all of Tahereh Mafi's books in order on Kindle?

      Yes, you can find all of Tahereh Mafi's series books in their publication order on our site, including Kindle publication and paperback editions Tahereh Mafi has available to add to your reading list. This includes both her series and her standalone novels such as "Furthermore" and "Whichwood." Look under the Kindle publication options for acquiring these Tahereh Mafi books in order on Kindle or in paperback editions Tahereh Mafi has available to add to your reading list.

    • Does the author have any box set editions of her series with added romance content?

      Author Tahereh Mafi has box set editions available for her series, which often include extra content like novellas and bonus material related to the Reestablishment universe that sometimes offer a glimpse of romance in Juliette's world. It's worth checking for a box set if you're interested in a trilogy purchase, as this could provide a convenient and often more immersive reading experience.

    • What tahereh mafi books series by Tahereh Mafi should I start with to understand the book series order?

      If you're new to Mafi's books, it's usually recommended to begin with her Shatter Me series. This starting point is essential to understanding the series order and dynamics. The series Shatter Me introduces readers to the captivating dystopian world of Juliette Ferrars, a character with a lethal touch. Starting with this series will help you understand the themes and characters that are developed further in subsequent novels.

    • Are there any mafi books series by Tahereh Mafi for kids that are in the correct series order?

      Tahereh Mafi is also the author of a middle-grade fantasy mafi books series that's perfect for kids. The books, "Furthermore" and "Whichwood," offer a magical and imaginative story separate from her young adult novels. They explore themes of adventure and the wonders of a fantasy world, providing a lighter tone compared to her dystopian series.

    • What is the most recent novel or novella released by Tahereh Mafi a while ago?

      The most recent release from author Tahereh Mafi as of November last year is a novella within the series universe, offering readers new insights into the characters' lives and the fictional world. Stay current with the series order and check for updates on our book blog to know when the newest novels or novellas from Tahereh Mafi are available for purchase, ensuring not to miss out on the developments that took place a while ago.

    • How do Tahereh Mafi's series books incorporate romance throughout the novels?

      Tahereh Mafi's novels are known for weaving elements of romance throughout the exciting and action-packed series. Characters like Juliette Ferrars and Warner exhibit a complex romantic relationship that evolves significatively with each new book in the series. The reply from fans who crave love stories has been overwhelmingly positive, acknowledging that even against a dystopian backdrop, romance thrives. Her standalone books also feature touching romance stories, adding an emotional layer to the dystopian and fantasy settings.