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Harry Bosch Books in Order (23 Book Series)

Angels FlightA Darkness More Than NightCity of Bones

Harry Bosch is a series of 23 books written by Michael Connelly. Here, you can see them all in order! (plus the year each book was published)

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Last Updated: Monday 1 Jan, 2024

    Total: 23 books


    • Can you provide the harry bosch books in order, including other related books in order?

      Absolutely! The harry bosch series order is a common request, and it refers to the chronological publication order of the novels. To ensure you read the harry bosch books in order as the author intended, it's best to follow the publication order. You can find this order easily on our site, and add the books to your cart or wishlist from there.

    • What is the correct harry bosch series order to follow for the harry bosch books?

      The harry bosch series order starts with "The Black Echo" and follows with subsequent novels in the order they were published. The series progresses with developments in Harry Bosch's personal and professional life, which are best appreciated when read in publication order. For a complete list, just look for the "Harry Bosch" section on our webpage, and reply to us if you need further assistance!

    • I'm a fan of the harry bosch series. Considering the order of books, can you tell me more about the harry bosch novels that feature Mickey Haller?

      You'll be glad to know that some harry bosch novels also feature Mickey Haller, the Lincoln Lawyer. This crossover adds depth to both characters and the overall narrative. When reading the series, you'll meet Haller in novels such as "The Brass Verdict" and "The Reversal," amongst others. These crossover stories are marked on our site for your convenience, so you can have a seamless experience knowing which book comes next in order.

    • How do I know which series in order to read if I’m interested in both Harry Bosch and Mickey Haller, and wish to add these to my cart, keeping in mind the chronology and crossover?

      The series order for books featuring both Harry Bosch and Mickey Haller can be found in our section dedicated to Michael Connelly's novels. If you're reading for character crossovers, you'll want to alternate between the "Bosch" and "Lincoln Lawyer" series at certain points to maintain the story continuity. Also, you can add any of these books to your cart on our website.

    • Are there harry bosch books available in formats other than paperback that I can add to my cart?

      Yes, along with paperback editions, many harry bosch novels are available in Kindle and audiobook formats. You can easily find and add these versions to your cart directly through the links provided on our website.

    • Did the author of the harry bosch books write any other series worth reading, or could you suggest a series from Michael Connelly similar to the harry bosch order?

      The author of the harry bosch books, Michael Connelly, also wrote the Lincoln Lawyer series featuring Mickey Haller, and the Ballard and Bosch series, which introduces Detective Renée Ballard. These series are highly recommended and offer a distinct yet interlinked mystery experience with the Harry Bosch universe.

    • How does your reply compare with the harry bosch books regarding the TV adaptation?

      The TV adaptation of the harry bosch series stays true to the spirit of the novels while offering an engaging new perspective. Many fans appreciate seeing how Harry handles each case on-screen. However, to fully grasp the depth of the character and the intricacies of his investigations, reading the books is our top recommendation. Your reply to the series might depend on how you engage with either medium.