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19 Best Differential Geometry Books of All Time

Our goal: Find the best Differential Geometry books according to the internet (not just one random person's opinion).

    Here's what we did:
  1. Type "best differential geometry books" into our search engine and study the top 4+ pages.
  2. Add only the books mentioned 2+ times.
  3. Rank the results neatly for you here! 😊
    (It was a lot of work. But hey! That's why we're here, right?)

(Updated 2024)

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Last Updated: Monday 1 Jan, 2024

Mobile CoverDesktop Cover
  1. 2
    Topology from the Differentiable Viewpoint
  2. 5
    Differential Topology

    Differential Topology

    Victor Guillemin

  3. 6
    The Geometry of Physics
  4. 7
    Riemannian Geometry

    Riemannian Geometry

    Peter Petersen

  5. 8
    Riemannian Geometry

    Riemannian Geometry

    Manfredo Perdigao do Carmo

  6. 9
    Lectures on Symplectic Geometry
  7. 11
    Geometry, Topology and Physics
  8. 13
    Elementary Differential Geometry
  9. 14
    Elementary Differential Geometry
  10. 15
    Differential Manifolds

    Differential Manifolds

    Antoni A. Kosinski

  11. 17
    Differential Geometry of Curves and Surfaces
  12. 18
    Differential Geometry

    Differential Geometry

    Erwin Kreyszig

  13. 19
    An Introduction to Manifolds


  • How was this Differential Geometry books list created?

    We searched for 'best Differential Geometry books', found the top 5 articles, took every book mentioned in 2+ articles, and averaged their rankings.

  • How many Differential Geometry books are in this list?

    There are 19 books in this list.

  • Why did you create this Differential Geometry books list?

    We wanted to gather the most accurate list of Differential Geometry books on the internet.

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